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Irrigation machinery can be widely used for irrigation
Irrigation machinery since ancient times, our country has always been a big agricultural country, agriculture is high status, is the backbone of national development, the foundation is now also the economic development of agriculture, irrigation machinery when applied with the continuous progress of the development of society, ancient water conservancy machinery is a traditional drinking trough, the use of human or natural forces for irrigation. 
    History of the development of water conservancy machinery already very old, and as far as we have no way to retroactively its source, it should be since there had irrigation machinery for agricultural production use, because irrigated agriculture irrigation machinery must use to use. Then the device should only simple hydrosphere, the use of water for irrigation flow pressures were touched, was also the world's most recent invention, illustrates the human intelligence is really important, there is no wisdom there is no invention, no variety of invention there is no progress of human civilization, understand things, the idea of people around us do not know is how the ancient people even knew their wisdom to good use to help carry out their own inventions, modern but more and more people rely on the brain, do not know is human intelligence has come to an end, or long enjoyed a life of ease so that we feel no need for the so-called invention, and it is a question worth exploring. We must understand the history of his role in the understanding, irrigation machinery conducive to the development of agriculture, the foundation of our economic development needs a good environment, good irrigation facilities create a good environment, we need our development on Hydraulic Machinery provides a good irrigation conditions, it is practical and effective to promote the development of agriculture.
Irrigation machinery used very widely, not only in agriculture, in industry, construction is also a very good development, we should make good use of irrigation machinery for the benefit of the people.

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